
Incremental Change for Exponential Growth

Your Success is Our Destination

We value individuals and interactions over processes and tools.

We can help get your Agile Journey back on the right course and focused on people instead of process. 
We have proven strategies for helping your organization to…


Being Agile isn’t about hiring “experts” who, for years, keep telling you aren’t quite there and should keep paying them.

Being Agile means your organization is continuously improving and can effectively respond to your customers ever-changing business needs.


Instead of spending years transforming, your organization could start BE-ing a leading-edge, transformative force in your industry.

We have the practical experience and proven strategies to help make it all happen.


You are expert in the business you run. We are experts in the people, processes, and infrastructure that support your business.

When your business has the collaborative environment and teams to support the value you deliver, the results are amazing.

Core Competencies

Always looking to do better, we constructively challenge, learn from, and mentor each other. 


SAFe Program Consultants 
Business Agility
Agile Practical Applications
Value Delivery and DevOps


Agile Teams – Scrum and Kanban
Key Roles


Assessments and Advisory
Key Roles 


We apply our core
competencies to develop
custom solutions for your organization.

Our Team

We are building a community of Independent Consultant Agile Practitioners,
who actively work on client engagements, and Advisors, whose expertise we leverage and greatly appreciate.

Jeanne M Bautista

Advisor, Operations

Bill DeVoe

Advisor, Agile Practitioner

Jeff Hunter

Advisor, Agile Practitioner

Doug Novinger

Advisor, Agile Practitioner

Brian Richmond

Advisor, Agile Practitioner

Bex Wainwright

Advisor, Agile Practitioner

Experience Matters

We have been helping companies succeed for a long time. We know what works and what doesn’t.
We offer practical solutions where results are measured and improvements can be exponential.

Years Experience
on IT Projects

teams coached
to succesS

colorado 14-ers climbed
*One Team Member climbed all 58


Here are some of the things we are working on and thinking about.

A Toxic Anti-Pattern in Management

A Toxic Anti-Pattern in Management A Toxic Anti-Pattern in Management  Article by Bill DeVoe – original article first published on Artemis Agile – reprinted here with the Author’s permission. I’ve[…]

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When a Good Agile Transformation Goes Bad

As Be-Cubed started to form as a community and company, we talked a lot about our frustrations with Agile Transformations that should have gone better than they did. We talked[…]

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